I absolutely agree.
Sorry, but Venturas word is not sufficient evidence the incident didnt happen.
We don't need evidence that the incident didn't happen
If Chris in fact punched him in a public place years ago, there would be witnesses, media reports, charges filed and J. Ventura's mug all over TV at the time.
We need evidence that it DID happen.
Chris did a fine job at what he was trained to do, but that doesn't make him infallible.
His story does not fly in my book.
Given Ventura’s proclivity to embellish and lie about his own military service, under what basis would you need evidence that the incident did happen? Despite happening in public, given the nature of that public venue, it’s not likely that patrons in that bar would come forward and “rat” on a SEAL knowing that he’d be arrested and charged with assault and battery. Ventura, on the other hand, wouldn’t want it known that he was shooting off his loud mouth and got coldcocked for it.