I must have missed something in your post. Who in the MSM or which Democrats are calling for Obama to release his college grades and thesis paper?
Not just Obama’s college grades - We want to know about his grants and other aid, his status as a student (foreign student), where he lived, etc. We want this information all the way back to high school, but especially for Occidental and Columbia. We also want to know exactly how Obama managed to gae accepted at Harvard Law School with NO obvious qualifications. Was he a “guided” acceptance, and if so by who? There are stories, Harvard can and ought to release the truth for all to know.
Whole we’re at it, how about a genuine, non-Photoshoped long form Birth Certificate? Is that too much to ask?
Until Obama comes clean, there is no way that the Dems have any credibility to ask for anything of the Republicans.
I am saying that if and when the MSM comes after Romney on this, Romney needs to ask for Obama to release his college grades, thesis paper, etc. But Romney never would, regardless of the circumstances. He is too weak of a candidate to muster the courage to even call Obama a socialist when talking to O’reilly.