To: Lazlo in PA
This phony Ron Paiul support are Dem and Union activist being bussed in just like Obama did in 2008.
The fact the RNC did not stop this Axelrod voter fraud scam tells how stupid these clowns are
22 posted on
01/03/2012 4:23:50 PM PST by
(NO MORE WIMPS need to apply to fight the Soros Funded Puppet !)
To: ncalburt
The fact the RNC did not stop this Axelrod voter fraud scam tells how stupid these clowns are
Amen. My biggest problem with the GOP apparatus is that they continue to allow flimsy open Primaries in some states. NH has like a 5 minute residency to vote for crying out loud. Close the Primaries to resident GOP voters and nuts like Paul will quickly be eliminated.
31 posted on
01/03/2012 4:45:08 PM PST by
Lazlo in PA
(Now living in a newly minted Red State.)
To: ncalburt
This phony Ron Paiul support are Dem and Union activist being bussed in just like Obama did in 2008. Yep. It's also "Operation Chaos" in reverse.
44 posted on
01/03/2012 8:02:39 PM PST by
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