As I understand Natural Born citizen, BOTH parents must be citizens of the USA when the child is born.
I am pretty sure his parents were Cuban refugees, and were not yet citizens when Marco was born.
Just being born in the USA isn’t enough. There is a ‘part 2’ which is the citizenship of the parents.
That ‘part 2’ was enough to eliminate Barry the Imposter.
The DNC didn’t do it’s due dilligence. Daddy was NOT a USA citizen. Daddy was a student from Kenya here on a scholarship.
This requirement does NOT exist in law. If so, then there have been two Presidents in our nation's history who would have failed this requirement. Chester A. Arthur, and B. H. Obama. There is nothing in the Constitution, nor the 14th Amendment which speaks to a requirement of both parents having been born U.S. citizens. There is no case law either. There are opinions of scholars.