Santorum is who he is, a former US Senator with thousands of votes on bills which you can find disagreement on. However, when comparing Santorum to Perry, it's no contest in my mind. Both have issues in their pasts. But, Perry has numerous recent issues which I strongly disagree with. Those, combined with his his ongoing misstatements (today's was the bridge to nowhere being in Arizona) leads me to believe he would not do well in a National election.
On the other hand, Santorum has been articulate, Conservative and intelligent during this campaign. Now, that could change and I'm sure the media will set their sites on him in the days to come, but also with his new surge will come much more camera time in the upcoming debates. In other words, if he is as good a campaigner as he claims to be, he has a chance.
I would have voted for Santorum tonight but he needs to keep the whine and the thine out of his repertoire.
And he and NEwt need to pound the crap out of Romney because if ROmney gets to hang around he will end up with the most delegates since the big states sure to go for him will all be winner take all.