Thanks for the additional links/information/education. TM BUMP!
Snip: Soros says be patient
Crime inc. - UNESCO, The New World Order by Maurice Strong and George Soros (UNESCO Map)
Voluntary acceptance of global governance is the preferred means of achieving a takeover of America without a single shot having been fired.
Snip: Who elected this guy to the UN? When the NWO kicks in does he become a powerfull leader and have the ability to make law? What does anyone know about these Usurpers of the American Constitution and what they have planned for you? Below is a set of links that tell what UNESCO has its grimy Crime Inc hands into.
Snip: Investigations in Spain, France, and the US have all connected the Obiang family to serious allegations of corruption, said Ken Hurwitz, senior legal officer with the Open Society Justice Initiative. There is a significant risk that UNESCO is accepting tainted funds with this prize.
The Apollo Alliance: Hijacking our Country (MAP PROVIDED)
Snip: The Alliance has boasted of writing both the stimulus bill AND Cap and Trade. And it is driving the Obama Reichs agenda with unbelievable force.
The History of Political Correctness
Snip: Over at Free Republic. they are discussing 45 Goals of The Communist Party. Political Parties: A Buyers Guide by George Soros. If you haven't seen this, I am running it again. It is must see.