The “My single-digit perfect conservative candidate” posters dont care at this point about anything other than trying to pull off some magical win by the person they have been backing.
They think the people backing Newt are some unprincipled idiots that should have been behind a bunch of bumblers that have shown no ability to actually go after either.
Mitt Romney or Obama
All the while the backers of bumblers club have been going after each other because they think their holy candidate is the “true” conservative!
Again while not spending one ounce of their perfect conservatism going after Romney. Go figure!
Then they have the nerve to drone on about “the fix is in”.
Fixed by whom? Romney cant break 22%.
I hope you realize that national polls mean nothing at this point.
As for Iowa: Santorum, Bachmann, Perry, Paul, Gingrich, and Romney are all polling in double digits in recent polls.
And none are perfect conservatives.
So who are these mythical "single-digit perfect conservative candidates" whose supporters you so detest? Huntsman? Roemer? Johnson?