True, but sometimes life's circumstances make that a difficult choice...
“True, but sometimes life’s circumstances make that a difficult choice...” (to be happy).
Yes it is. However, it is amazing how many folks DO choose to be happy in their circumstances. My family helped out at church Christmas Eve with the homeless guys. After serving them dinner we sat down and had a nice meal with them.
I asked them how their week had been. One guy mumbled “been better” - another guy with a big smile on his face “It was fantastic!” Me and the other guy that responded look at him and the other guys said “Huh?” (I was thinking it.)
The guy said any day he woke up was a great day! And this week had hardly any rain which was a blessing, etc. It was pretty amazing, and I told him I’m not so sure if I could show such happiness without a job, home, etc. “Hey - everyday I wake up is another day that might be the day I get a decent job again! And I’m working on getting to see my little girl (3 years old), so I look forward to seeing her again!”
As we left, I was thinking how he was a much better man than me. I wouldn’t end up like the killer in this story - but if I lost my house, couldn’t see my kids, etc. - I would have walked off into the woods a long time ago.
Oh - the one guy that had said “Been better” talked about how this upcoming week was looking up though. He had made it into the homeless shelter at our church that day, and finally knew where he was going sleep for awhile (rather than finding an open bed one night, out in the street for a few, then another shelter, etc. And if need be he can stay up to 6 months with counseling, job training, Bible studies, etc.
Sometimes though it is sure hard to see a way out, and it is easy to give up hope.
>>True, but sometimes life’s circumstances make that a difficult choice... <<
Been there, done that. I still chose to be happy.
Wallowing in self-pity gets one no where. Find the bright side.