In Montanas Finley Basin there are known tungsten deposits. An Australian company wanted to bring revenue and jobs to the state by developing the resource. While the property was successfully drilled and recognized by Union Carbide in the seventies, it is now about 200 yards inside a roadless study area. The Forest Service was willing to offer a conditional drilling permit. Among the conditions were these requirements:
The drill sites must be cleared using hand tools,
The drilling equipment and fuel must be transported to the site by a team of pack mules,
The mules must be fed certified weed-free hay,
and Drill site and trail reclamation must be done using hand tools.
The company gave up.
This is *almost* unbelievable.
America is hellbent on suicide.
I am afraid it is homicide. We have been suffering a slow death, sort of like arsenic poisoning, since the late 1800s. Marxists have been at it that long in their efforts to subvert this country. At one time they tried military intimidation but that failed so they went back to the slow subversion method. That is working.
Now that we see what is happening we must stand up to it and stop it. Ignore political correctness. Ann Coulter does. David Horowitz does. They are right!