Anyone who can do even minimal mathematical reckoning can see that either we take Paul’s view of military adventurism, or it will be forced upon us soon enough.
We’re broke. Full stop. Period.
I think younger people are waking up faster now, seeing as how many of them are getting a rude awakening to how a) their economic prospects are increasingly dim (with high youth unemployment as older workers stay in their jobs or the jobs simply dry up), and b) lots of them are in deep debt due to student loans that they cannot discharge in bankruptcy. Many kids are on the leading edge of the US debt implosion... they’re the first to experience the debt avalanche.
So when Paul comes along and says that he’s going to bring troops home, cut off all foreign aid and slash over a trillion bucks of spending out of the budget.... that starts sounding like savage common sense to many young people.
3 seconds on Ron Paul’s facebook page would destroy these myths. The average “young” Ron Paul supporter is Godless, which leads to all the rest of their opinions. They have no patriotic love for their country. Many of them have also bought into the NWO-illuminati-Alex Jones propaganda, which is by nature utterly anti-American and anti-Israel. Plenty of truthers. Almost all of them have the same psychological traits that would make them good communist useful idiots as well.
The only thing Paul has going for him is his domestic policy and his principles. Everything else makes him vile. OTOH, Newt and Romney are also vile. What to do?