Now which actually sounds better?
The MSM reports this as follows: The House is threatening to allow taxes to increase rather than compromising with the Dems. Bad, bad GOP.
Assuming for the moment that the Senate wanted 1 year and the House wanted 2 months the MSM would report EXACTLY THE SAME THING. It would the GOP hanging things up.
This is simply the state of affairs that we live in with an MSM, recently joined by Fox News, that controls public opinion to a very large extent and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. They are very hard to buck in an election year. That's life. It will take a long time to stop that train and turn it around.
Yeah, and Obama just said at his Press announcement that he wants Congress to "work together" to extend it through "all of 2012."
Exactly! Democratic control of the media is the most important source of our enemy's power, and it is immense.
And in the next couple of months the media will do it again, the Republicans will be the bad guys no matter what they do.