A lot of blood letting and old scores to be settled in Iraq.
And how long will it be before Iraq is again ruled by a tyrant whose strings are being pulled by both Iranians and Islamofascists?
The gloves will come off soon — the insurgency will be fighting a foe that’s not hamstrung with P.C. ROE.
When the civil war in Iraq reignites, you will not hear about it.
2012 is an election year, and such a disaster so close to Obama’s troop pullout will not look good. the MSM will strictly ignore it.
Mission accomplished. Thanks, Dubya. Thanks, Cheney. Thanks Rummy et al.
Oh yeah — thanks to the families of the 5,000+ Americans who gave their lives for this folly and fraud. I sincerely regret that they sacrificed their lives for nothing.
I thought Muqti al Sadr would begin the festivities.
They are getting ready to rock and roll in Iraq.
Errrr-————Maybe that’s Lock and Load.
If the Christians left there are lucky the Muslims will kill one another and leave the Christians alone.