I got into a duel with another driving my family up from Virgina to Massachusetts for Christmas in 1987. On a lonley stretch of the NJ Turnpike in the dead of night, I’m in cruise control in my ‘86 Astro doing a comfortable 65 MPH (speed limit 55) minding my own business. Out of the inky darkness another car overtakes me, and shifts into my lane, the right lane (it’s two lane in this stretch) and slows down to 55!
No problem, I go into the left lane resume cruise control and when I am safely ahead, shift right. You know where this is going, he overtakes, and squats in front of me and slows down to 55. This goes on a few times, the fouth or fifth time, I don’t touch the brakes when he pulls in front of me and slowly creep up on his bumper. When I’m about half a car length behind him, my wife inquires, “Why don’t you just leave him alone?” in *that* tone of voice.
The same thing happened coming down from Maine. Only in broad daylight. A Yorker woman, with two young men, probably sons, in her car did this on I-95, in much heavier traffic, and me in lane 2 of 4, counting from the left. I finally pulled up to a foot behind her bumper, at which point she pulled over to the right and left me alone.
Pack animals!
Several years ago, I was coming from the DFW area back to Austin and came up behind a long line of vehicles - all driving about 65 MPH. I stayed in the fast lane and one by one they moved right to let me pass.
I finally saw the reason. A DPS trooper in the right lane doing a rolling roadblock and nobody wanted pass him. I finally got to the front, passed him and put the cruise on 70 MPH. One by one the others did the same.