another fat old white guy. lol.
I don’t like Romney. I do like Santorum or Bachmann. If Palin jumped in I would support her.
Newt is not a conservative. He is a Pelosi Republican. Newt along with Huntsman is the worst choice. Newt is 100% NWO and CFR. He is NOT a Constitutionalist.
While in the House - Newt voted for:
1. Dept of Education - something communists supported.
2. Amnesty
3. Increased UN funding
4. Grabbing more land for Federal ownership filled with natural resources - something Marx also supported.
5. Voted for more foreign aid.
6. Voted for most favored nation trading status for China.
7. federally funded loan guarantees for trade with China.
8. Voted for funding the NEA - including p**s Christ artwork
9. $1.2 billion in extra aid to the UN.
10. $166 million in extra funding for the IRS.
11. Later supported global warming laws with Pelosi.
12. Supported Nelson Rockefeller.
13. Big supporter of Alvin Tofler who wrote about scrapping The Constitution.
14. Newt is a member of the CFR.
15. Got NAFTA and GATT passed.
16. Anyone remember the love fest he had in NH with Clinton?
Gingrich is another McCain or Graham-nesty and probably even worse than those two.