Paul is getting stronger and stronger. He may actually win Iowa. If they keep pumping up that “one world” codoleza Rice for vp, I will go with Paul. There is hardly anything that I disagree with this great Republican. Where are the “weapons of Mass destruction” after 1 trillion dollars, 4500 lives,38.000 maimed and wounded, 400,000 dead arabs and 10 damned years? Is there no accountability? Doctor Paul is dead on.
In my opinion Ron Paul is no better than what resides at 1600 Pa Ave now. Ron Paul hates all but himself. If he were a good Doctor he might be practicing medicine instead of making a career out of Congress. I would support Condi for VP, but not if Paul were the Pres candidate. Paul has no chance of beating the Bummer, with or w/o Condi.
That is all I need to know about him. I would not p*ss on him if he were on fire, let alone vote for him for POTUS.