Here’s Michele Bachmann and Nikki Haley is next. Wonder how candidates MB can knock during her appearance, or maybe Gregory will only ask her about Newt and Ron Paul.
Right now asking her about her opposition to the payroll tax cut. She says peeps all across Iowa, NH and South Carolina are against it (the debt).
Gregory is arguing with her about the Bush debt. Gregory wants to lay the debt on Bush.
Gregory asks her if she has to win Iowa to stay in the race. She says she intends to win Iowa.
Mitt bashing Obama for not leaving some troops in Iraq. Wallace asks Mitt if, as president, he would send troops back into Iraq. Mitt is waffling and sputtering a bit.
Actually, I thought Bachman did a pretty good job when she pointed out that GW’s debt in 2007 was a little over 100 billon. Chump change today. Good shot. But I don’t see Bachman going anywhere.
Can no one explain the ‘payroll tax cut’ de-funds Social Security, which is already pilfered and broke?