Since we are soooooo “seriously” “deranged” perhaps you can help us separate the forrest from the trees. Why don't you start with the simple questions I presented in my post #31?
Since I and the others on this thread are so “seriously” deranged, then these basic questions should be simple for you. After all you are so well grounded in reality and we are not.
You guys are too easy.
I can only imagine what’s it’s like in your car as you pass a school building and the kids are outside playing.
“You see my wonderfully gifted children that are so perfect. Those aren’t children playing on that jungle gym, those are deeeeeemons. Deeeemons I tell you. Straight from hell!”
Lol i’m so glad you don’t send your kids to school. I can only shudder to think what it would be like to deal with you.