Oh. So because McQueary didn't provide a "game film" of the action with a complete scouting report, ya wanna "cut" him "slack" because Joe only admitted that he "KNEW some kind of inappropriate action was being taken...with a youngster."
From the article: "I didn't push Mike... because he was very upset," Paterno said. "I knew Mike was upset and I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster."
Tell you what, Lancey. If you ever discover "inappropriate action" is occurring against "youngsters"...perhaps your kids or grandkids...be consistent...just "look the other way" or tell others to "look the other way." Cut 'em all slack. /sad sarc
If you ever accuse somebody of being a pedophile based on something not quite clear told to you the next day by some other person and it turns out it was all wrong - maybe the other person was lying, for example - you better be ready to get shot in the face.