I thought America’a obsession was Freedom. . .which in turn ‘can’ cause war. . .and often does; with those who disagree.
“I thought Americaa obsession was Freedom.”
It is for a few of us. Others, not so much. All one has to do is look at Obama’s poll numbers. He has money, lots of money, and he has people with no money, counting on him to see they get more taxpayer money.
Hollywood is a rap for him. Govt dependents are a rap for him. Socialists are a rap for him. Communists are a rap for him. Unions are a rap for him.
What’s freedom got to do with it? Besides just a few of us hold-ons from the old school. If you haven’t noticed, freedom is an antiquated concept long past it’s time.
Proof is in the pudding.
If the IRS didn’t have swat teams, we might still be sorta free. (see IRS swat raids)
If there weren’t a war on personal private behaviors, we might still be sorta free. (see war on some drugs)
If the BATF weren’t accommodating the Obama administration to take away our right to self defend, we might still be sorta free. (see fast and furious)
If the civilian police depts weren’t accepting military uniforms, and equipment, we might still be sorta free. (seen your local PD lately?)
If we still had private property rights, we might still be sorta free. (see Kelo)
If we didn’t have federal income tax, we might still be sorta free. (see Wilson 1913)
If the POTUS did not have the ability to run roughshod over congress with executive orders, we might still be sorta free. (read them at fed.gov)
If the central banking system, aka the Federal Reserve had never been allowed, we might still be sorta free. (see Wilson 1913)
If posse comitatus was still the rule of law, we might still be sorta free. (See Waco)
If 911 had never occured, resulting in the “Patriot” Act, we might still be sorta free. (read the PA)
I could go on and on...the list is too long. Freedom? Forget about it.
I challenge anyone to challenge the list presented does not limit freedom.
PS The drones are coming to spy on us. That is if they all don’t crash first. But they are are coming. So, remove that patio deck you just built without a permit. NOW!