Newt is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen and people can see that. The american public just dont like him. He will blow up in everyones face.
I can hear the many “told ya so” already.
Someone please tell me the alternative to Gingrich. Please. If he is not our best hope just tell me who is.
I want something better too! Tell me what it is.
I would vote for Palin in a second if she got in. Bachmann self-destructed. Cain acted like a mere mortal. Santorum is not getting traction. Perry acts like he doesn’t know where he is half the time (the other half is pretty good).
We need to win.
For a long time I said I’d rather ‘no’ vote than vote for someone who wasn’t a real conservative. I figured 4 more years of the loser we have now would lead to such civil unrest that things could get set right that way. I still feel that way quite a bit. I seriously doubt that voting can solve the mess we are in.
At the end of the day for me the deal is this - The TEA Party is leaderless but we have some pretty good advisers. Mr. Robinson is one of those. If we’re going to sh!t-out anyways, I’ll follow the advice of a true conservative hero and into the breach I go.
If Newt isn’t the best we’ve got just tell me who is. I’m willing to go down fighting but we might as well try and kick the marxist traitor we have now in the teeth on the way to the ring.
NRO = MittPimps
Obama is the problem.
Wow, after reading many posts here and on other FR threads I am more convinced then ever that Zero is going to walk away with a big win next year.
It is hard to believe that the GOP is pitched a major soft ball in 2012 and we will blow it big time.
I doubt the GOP will hold the house ... forget the Senate.
2012 is going to be a terrible year ... and so will be 2013, 2014, etc...
Unfortunately, Freddie, if that’s your real name, for some odd reason Saint Conservatus is not running this year, and we have to settle on someone.
That which is particularly perplexing about this controversy is the improbability that the eventual opponent of Obama is a close ally of any of the people who purport to champion him or her. Therefore, the vitriol directed at one candidate over another is counter-productive. We’re all acting like those dummy,”pundits” on those idiotic talk-shows; who imagine they can truly persuade us of the virtues of their particular candidate. that “purist” bullshit is old-hat. Let’s just defeat Obama! We are imperiled by him and his cronies. I’ll take anyone with a whit of conservatism, at this point!
Look at where this country is right now and what will happen come 1 January 2013.
I have been thinking about Progressivism the last few days and listened to Beck today. I remember my parents teaching me about TR, Wilson, the UN, the Great Depression, and FDR, among other things. They liked TR. He was ‘independent.’
My folks were Depression kids, in their 20s when it all went down. Based on what I’ve learned about what the Progressives have been doing for 100 years now, it occurs to me that my folks were part of the last generation to be taught by people who knew the US in a form that wasn’t polluted by Progressive thought.
This means that everyone in Congress now, of any age, has been taught by them, the Socialists or worse. All of our media has been educated under them. I have. It’s only downhill from folks my age. As in slippery slope downhill.
I say this because all this ties together in realizing that only those of the younger generations who have the moxie to actually learn the Founders’ intentions, our original documents, our founding principles, will really be able to recreate the US.
Having ‘a plan’ or constructing a new ‘system’ implies a control pattern that comes from the top—something that most of us move ourselves toward when presented with a problem. The choices of what our Founders would do in situations that are critical to the governance of the nation have effectively been removed from what is actively taught, so these options are not prdinarily considered seriously.
Simply put, those who are our presently elected persons have all but forgotten the principles, if, in reality, the representatives ever learned them in practice.
My two cents.