Neither, thank you.
Actually, Newt was an early supporter of Medicare Advantage plans, a free market alternative to traditional Medicare.
Democrats choose their candidate on the basis of who will do the most to increase the size and scope of government. Republicans try to pick the person who will increase government the least. In either case we end up with bigger government. No wonder we are on the brink of collapse.
The SCOTUS will rule on Obamacare before the 2012 election. Should put a whole new perspective on the race. That being said...NEWT IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great. NRO goes after Cain and dumps him. Now NRO goes after Newt.
I’m not really sold on Newt, but it is so much to watch the establishment types freak out over Newt. They are determined to steer us to Dole, er, I mean McCain, er, I mean Mitt.
I don’t trust either of them...Newt makes my skin crawl. He’s just another DC connected, dorky oldtimer. The GOP rank and file is ticking me off!
I’ll have to vote for Romney over Newt if it comes down to it.
The writer is probably just another MittRomney supporter at NR.
Hmmmmm...The Speaker that pushed through welfare reform or the President that gave us Obamacare? Who would be better to reform entitlements?
Gingrich is the worst of the GOP candidates. Very flawed character-wise and personality-wise. He is obviously unelectable.
But many are drinking the koolaid. Watch a wipe out worse than McCain in ‘08.
Newt is the most intelligent, most articulate, knowledgeable candidate with deep understanding of American history.
Articulate, intelligent people feel threatening to the TV educated voters, making them feel inadequate.
More of the right media throwing bombs at Newt in order to elevate Romney.
Ah yes, the Republican establishment trying to smear Newt while propping up Mitt. Go Newt.
How I miss William Buckley. I have a feeling that he would set some of these Republicans straight on a few matters. I’d love to see him have a little chat with Lindsey Graham. ;-/
I choose Newt over Romney. Period.
Newt was also an early proponent of ocial Sevcurity reform that would make it “wither on the vine”
This was a GOOD IDEA and the presstitutes hamered him for it (this was before widespread acceptance of the fact that the media of stocked with libtards and the power of Fox News)
Newt Gingrich = John McCain #2
>> Mark Steyn once called Gingrich a lily-livered ninny whom everyone thinks is a ferocious right-wing bastard. <<
And Steyn has come out strongly against Newt within the last week or so. I guess that means Steyn is now officially a socialist RINO.
The (National Review) Empire Strikes back. Sorry guys. You lose.
Is there anything that really distinguishes NRO from Newsweek or Time anymore? They might as well be called National Romney.