Brazil and Argentina.
Real estate tends to be the safer of ways to park money in times like this. You buy buildings, property, malls, hotels, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone bundles up a thousand empty houses in Vegas, and some Russian guy buys the bundle, then rents them out for consumers.
Good to see yet one more place where BOs foreign relation skills are helping smooth things out. /s
A lot is being parked in mobile palaces.
Just google image "megayachts" for a real treat.
To me it sounds like he is a criminal. It is coming from a description of operations related to his deal with Lisin.
Khodorkovsky was a criminal too, he applied to European court which is extremely biased against Russia and still ruled national sentence for Khodorkovsky as legal.
Berezovsky is a criminal as well, he is wanted by more than one nation. He has strong ties with islamic extremists. Even Soros who once was a big friend of these guys were scared to death as he learned the way they do business. He had run away from Russia not only because Putin didn’t like hike him.
Russia has a lot of problems to solve considering investment climate but none of them are in this misleading article.