Shouldn’t it be spelled versus?
Probably a Paultard.
He felt that if our new country had to pay down its debt because of the costs of the Revolutionary War, well then, doggone it, everyone was going to pay, explained Laise.
That is not correct. Some states had already paid their debts. It was not Hamilton’s intention that “everyone was going to pay.” He used the UNpaid debts to create a national currency which he believed would be helpful to him, his cohorts and the new country. Much like today’s politicians would do.
“rode to Pennsylvania to show rebelling farmers that they meant business. It was an act of leadership”
No, it was an act of governmental theft. Eastern whiskey brewers got to pay much lower rates due to a volume clause in the whiskey tax. Rum brewers paid a different tax. It was specifically the highest against western brewers of whiskey. Moreover Hamilton provoked the discontentment towards rebellion through a series of well timed actions.
“As such, Surmacz contends, Hamilton was as much a Founding Father, if not more so, than Jefferson, Madison, Adams or Franklin.”
A laughable assertion. He was a snake in the grass sycophant. No one would have considered him the equal of Jefferson, Madison, Adams or Franklin. At the constitutional convention, the other two delegates from New York prevented Hamilton from even voting.
“Unlike Jefferson, Hamilton actually fought in the revolution”
True but Washington only let him command troops in battle once, when another commander was absent and Hamilton begged. Upon hearing how Hamilton conducted himself, Washington never let him command again.
I used to live two blocks from Hamilton’s house - it’s really beautiful, outside & in. He’s my favorite Founding Father.
Verses? Is this a poem? The rhyme and meter are pretty obscure, I think.