Boy you like to cover all bases, huh? You remind me of the definition of a liberal. A liberal is someone too broad-minded to take their own side in an argument...............................Not arguing, broad minded, yes, have Muslim friends, yes and they will always be my friends. They were my friends 20 years ago and still are. Are they any different than anyone else? They are just like me. Do I trust them, yes. If I’m in a jam will they help, yes. Do they want to chop off my head if I don’t convert, hell no. 2 Persians and one Pushtu and they are just like anyone else along with their families, no hatred towards anyone. I also had an Arab as my best man and we have been together for for 40+ years. All of them are citizens, my best man went through OCS with me. This world is made of both good people,and bad people. Good people don’t start wars, its the bad ones that take control of them that do, be it for Religion or Politics. Iran is a theocracy run amok, go watch Neda, a movie about the Iranian Gov’t protests.
Forgive them Lord they no not what they do. Do your Saracen friends believe the State of Israel and the Jewish people have the right to exist? Peace be unto you friend, for me, this would be a better and peaceful world for all of us if the were no Saracens on it. It is certainly their intention no one else inhabits it.
I don’t doubt they’re good friends of yours. Officer Candidate School? Marines. Impressive. How would they feel about Sharia law being implemented here in America? Have you ever asked them if the State of Israel and the Jewish people have the right to exist? Have you ever asked them if they ever thought about converting to some other religion? How about asking them when the last Christian church or Jewish synagogue was built in Saudi Arabia. I could go on but I think you get the point. If 14 centuries of the murder, the bloodshed and hate that Islam has spread isn’t evil then evil doesn’t exist. God didn’t make me perfect. I’m sorry, I will never abide Islam or Saracens.