What’s going on here (”the action”) folks:
Their is a POLARITY or divergence (an analyist last week used the word “paradox”....I prefer POLARITY)
Polarity, between household debt contraction (which is govt. resistance), and a real psychopathy of the Federal Governments (euro also), RICO players, and the cast of SO CALLED ‘banking”.
This psychopathy, is what to watch carefully. At the same time the “resistance” (consumer contraction) is forcing downward REAL market pressure, govt.-RICO is maintaining high (very high in comparison) pensions and salaries compensations.
This IS a psychopathy, as the govt-RICO players have no sympathy, but lip-service, to the resulting unemployed. And many who are employed are being thown bones compared to govt.-RICO compensation standards.
Watch the REAL employment numbers (which they tried to fake last week)
Look up the word “Arbeitsziehungslager”, and the momentum conditions that brought this about in history.
(there) ie. There is