Typical. Newt says something stupid to his MSM buddies and then within 24 hours time, the Mea Culpas come. This guy is all over the place with his positions.
All over the place on many issues. Here's another.
Anything less than requiring people who are working here illegally to return home to apply for a worker visa is amnesty.
~Newt Gingrich 2006
I am for a path to legality for those people whose ties are so deeply into America that it would truly be tragic to try and rip their family apart."
~Newt Gingrich 2011
It should also be mentioned that advocates of amnesty should not be taken seriously if they claim to be also in favor of tougher border control. It is simply not credible that advocates of amnesty will be reliably tough on controlling the borders.
~Newt Gingrich 2006
"The United States must control its border. It is a national security imperative,"
~Newt Gingrich 2011
Typical, you’re pushing Tapper’s mischaracterization, blossoming it into a full blown lie.