Maybe he was tired from having to fend of this ridiculous non stop bullsh!t, sara.
How would you handle your personal destruction at the hands of liars, sara?
Think it might throw you off your game a bit?
I do.
Chris, there is no conservative Republican who does not exist without a constant barrage of arrows slug at them by liberals. They are racists, slanderers and scapegoaters. That is just the way it is, Chris.
That is what Reagan put up with. Newt put up with it. Perry puts up with it. Michelle Bauchmann...Sarah Palin...anyone who is not a pc socialist like Romney or McCain is absolutely hated. I despise that they do this to good people but they do it every time. Some conservatives rise in spite of it and some are flummoxed and defeated by it. All are hurt by it because it is evil.
Mr. Cain was not born yesterday. I am sure he knew what was going to come at a Black conservative man. It’s still shocking to be the brunt of liberal public ridicule and hate.
He is running for the top job in the world. If he can’t handle the vetting of a primary race how the hell do you think he would handle a real crisis?
He hasn’t had to have his past publicly examined before because he has never held public office. You need to turn off the computer, news, and noise of the political race and get some fresh perspective as it seems you are really heavily emotionally invested.