i am all for people that truly need them getting them even from the government, but i still say there are some that want them, yet don't necessarily need them
my uncle was in one for three years till he died at 92 but it wasn't motorized
even Jim Robinson needs one
Oh, I see what you mean. I’ve been looking at various wheelchairs that my husband doesn’t need, but would like to have. I don’t mind paying for that. He needs a wheelchair. A power chair would be nice, but the manual one he has is sufficient. When he first got it, TriCare wouldn’t authorize purchasing one. They’ve been paying monthly rental on it. I just got a notice this week that they’re not going to pay for it anymore. He can sometimes walk a few feet with a quad cane, but he needs a wheelchair, even at home. Tricare hasn’t explained why they’re stopping payment for his wheelchair. I’ll have to contact them and see what I can find out. He’s not a charity case. He has more than paid for his healthcare coverage. I shouldn’t have to fight tooth and nail to get him what’s rightfully his, and to have to explain to stupid bureaucrats the difference between need and want.