I tend to agree with your position on this in that the issue is actually national survival; after the country has been "fundametally transformed," we'll look back and wonder what was the point of being so @#$% picky looking for non-existent perfection in a candidate.
Frankly, a man like Newt has enough knowledge of how things work to start rolling back the damage done by the progressive movement.
That said, it's awful presumptious to tell people what it is to be a conservative. Not to be crass, but who died and made you judge?
Someone who signed up just before me on 10-19-1998. He said to always follow the logic of the situation. Therefore, the fact I never have had another conservative take issue with me bringing up the issue of "think carefully about your conservatism".
Real conservatives never seem to take issue of anyone reminding them to think that way... before they vote... so sorry if you feel offended in some manner! Have a great day on FR!!