I have watched this very closely, so you won't convince me that your claim is even close to valid. I also have countless polling results that prove that Gingrich's rise has not just been in the last 2 weeks or sudden.
Newt is rising for the same reason that the President and a host of other GOP candidates are falling. Competence—or at the least the perception of competence. Study after study has shown that competence is one of the most admired and sought after traits in leaders and Newt is projecting it.
The President isn’t falling through the floor solely because his policies are unpopular or the economy is weak. He is falling, at least in part, because he looks (and is) incompetent.
Herman Cain isn’t sinking solely because of these allegations. Rather, he is sinking because his handling of them and other campaign issues looks incompetent.
Most people want competence—or at least the perception of it—in leadership more than they want political or ideological agreement.
That desire is part of why the President won in 2008. It’s part of why he’s losing now. And, it’s the major reason that Newt appears to the new Republican front runner.