I think he’s better on spending than you give him credit. CATO was a supporter of his while governor. His economic plan is much more Milton Friedman than George Bush.
He has made statements of support re: cap and tax in the past, however I’m not really sure if that’s something he supports - after all, Mitt & Newt have made similar statements. Regardless, NOTHING resembling cap and tax will make it through the GOP house or the senate so long as the Republicans have 41 votes.
Have you noticed Huntsmans rosy cheekes..
He may be pregnant with Obamas child..
The advantage I have is that I get to make my voting decision between Iowa/New Hamshire/South Carolina and Super Tuesday, so I get to wait and see the fallout. I'm voting for "not Romney." After that, I haven't decided yet.
He doesn’t support cap and trade anymore - saying it didn’t work and was financially unfeasible in any case after the bottom fell out of the economy. Huntsman is the most libertarian after Paul and doesn’t support massive government intervention in anything.