I agree with Trump.
I agree with Trump here. Trump is also right on China.
Pat Buchanan is even better on China and Pat Buchanan says that he would treat the illegal immigration into the U.S. as an invasion and repel it.
I think Obama the muslim is more inclined to have a war started with the Iranians on Israel and then jumping in against Israel.
Remember, If the winds turn ugly against Islam, he will side with them.
I’ve never seen anyone attack Obama nor call Obama out like Trump has.
Also Trump is right about how China is abusing the U.S. on trade etc.
Can you all imagine Trump in a debate with Obama and Trump calling Obama out on things like his birth certificate etc.?
At least we’d have some fun watching the debate as our country goes the way Europe is now collapsing.
Trump has a way of nailing it perfectly even though in the end he is a deal maker and promoter and not a politician..
This ahole in the White House will do anything to puff up his chest, even kill more thousands of American servicemen and strip every last dime from the US Treasury and more trillions in debt. Anything to make this pompous axx a WAR President. Wars are created by and for the benefit of politicians.