I’m not a Cain supporter but,
let’s see the alleged plane tickets he purchased and the content of the text messages, etc.
A phone bill with numbers on it is not evidence of an affair.
The book signings, if anything, prove it wasn’t a sexual relationship.
So far, this is crap.
Im not a Cain supporter but,
lets see the alleged plane tickets he purchased and the content of the text messages, etc.
A phone bill with numbers on it is not evidence of an affair.
The book signings, if anything, prove it wasnt a sexual relationship.
So far, this is crap.
And....if it is all true, it is still crap. The media plays a double standard every time when it comes to human nature and Dems vs Reps, not that I am condoning infidelity.
JFK, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, Edwards, etc were never vetted SO rigorously as Herman Cain is now. The Democrat’s never fear that their leftist Alfa-Politicians can be taken out due to talk of infidelity, deviance,etc be it real or imagined. Yet this is our Achilles heel and a key tool that allows the media and the Democrats to chose our nominee’s. I am sure countless otherwise able Libertarian/Rightish Alpa’s never run for office due to remote female problems.
How many lovers actually ask for book signings?
It was shown in the courts the dolly doo was a telephone, text-message stalker.
How many of us receive text messages and emails in the middle of the night? If I'm awake I just respond to them. I don't check the clock to see if it is "an appropriate time."
Herman Cain is an associate minister. He is in the business of helping people become better people. (Our church calls them "miracles in motion.") Cain never fathomed that a friend asking for advice and financial help would use it against him.
“Im not a Cain supporter but,”
I am not a Cain supporter either and I know that Herman Cain would never lift a finger to set the record straight if my candidate was wrongly accused of anything. In fact, his camp went out of their way to viciously blame Perry’s camp for planting news about the last bimbo eruptions. It was clear from the beginning that these things are Democrat tactics. If you remember the last minute red panties with Bush and the leak of a one night stand with Palin; the suggestion the Bush the elder was involved in a life-long affair: and on and on. I don’t recall any of those camps demanding other candidates take a stand against the rumors.
All of that said, the timing and content of these charges by Ms White are suspect. All the finger-pointers appear to be needy beyond credibility. How can so many be associated with Cain’s time at the restaurant association and no other time? The calls on her cell phone are interesting. I have often heard of talk show hosts giving their personal cell phone numbers to favorite callers to talk off the air. I wonder if the radio show archives could pinpoint any calls to Mr Cain’s radio show from this lady. Speculating, but maybe that’s how she got his number. Speculating, but maybe he just liked her and wanted to help her.
At any rate, it stinks, but Mr Cain’s message is only to the choir forevermore. He can’t win with only votes from the choir. Ron Paul’s choir is far better organized and more devoted. Although Caniacs love Cain’s message, the goal is to beat Obama...not salvage Cain’s limping bid for the presidency that he can’t win. Those of us who support someone else have to deal with negatives all the time. We try not blame anyone else when it’s obvious our candidate put himself in a bad position....like not knowing the voting age. :(