I wasn’t either. When our family was living on the East Coast several years ago, we had a French teacher who came to our class and taught us conversational French. Of course, it was in elementary school, and they didn’t go into the grammar too awfully much! Nor did they get political about learning a language, or about a country. Maryland was still not as liberal as they are now in many places that they are now! I didn’t take Spanish until high school, and first year of college.
They never, ever taught us to say/made us say, the pledge of the country(s), or sing an anthem. As I said, they did teach us how to say our American pledge in Spanish! I can still remember most of it. Back then, most teachers were still pretty proud Americans! Many of our Spanish teachers weren’t actually Hispanic themselves; however, I believe that being in Utah, they were probably returning missionaries and learned it that way! :^)
Oops, I repeated my self in second paragraph! I guess I didn’t proofread very well! :^(