That made me think about a sci-fi movie with Roddy Piper the wrestler, he finds a pair of special glasses that allows him to see aliens that have invaded the city, and ultimately he destroys the mind control transmitter and everybody sees the aliens for what they are.
If Mecca was absolutely destroyed, nothing but a crater, just what would the hundred million or so Moslems around the planet Earth would do?
Maybe some will indeed just snap out of it but I would bet on a whole heck of a lot no matter what just going totally Jihad, on anything, uncoordinated and without any remorse.
If Mecca was absolutely destroyed, nothing but a crater, just what would the hundred million or so Moslems around the planet Earth would do?
Well, they wouldn’t be praying 5 times a day to a false god and a radioactive crarter... for starters.