When you cut off the freebies, they self-deport, when you put in place e-verify, they self deport, when you dont promise amnesty, they self-deport.
There are plenty of success stories from Alabama and Arizona to support this. On the other hand, amnesty has been tried before and it failed.
And this is the most any serious candidate should ever promise. No Pliney the Elder type proclamations. It’ll be miracle enough if the incentives (to invade) are ever removed. Forget deporation schemes. Won’t happen. Not ever.
Seal the border.
Self-deporting does work well. “I’m sorry, but you must be in our country legally to [hold a job]/[buy a house]/[open a bank account]/[receive social services]” etc. Also, I think “How do you plan to pay for this?” should be a standard question for anyone receiving medical care in a hospital, and if they don’t pay, the bill gets turned over to a collection agency so they get hounded and harassed and sued.
Of course we can’t deport 11 million people. The idea is a diversionary tactic by the open borders crowd that gives a false choice between all or nothing. I do believe that if you come to the attention of law enforcement and it is discovered that you are here illegally, you are sent back to your home country. Exceptions would be very few and very specific, such as you have a terminal disease with six months to live, or you are a brilliant scientist about to codify the Unified Field Theory, or it is certain that your home country’s government will murder you when you return. “It would be inconvenient for me because two of my kids are in school” is not a good enough excuse. It really galls me that we know that two of Obama’s relatives are here illegally, yet they are allowed to stay for nonspecific reasons. They should have been gone instantly, the same day they were discovered.