Well it has finally come to this..
With republicans like Newt, Romney, Perry etc. The party is finished. It’s hopelessly over. This election cycle is probably going to spell the end of the republic too.
Its about time for us to get a real third party going. One with real conservatives with real core conservative principles running it.
Huckabee is another in a long line of so called conservatives who has sold out to the establishment and probably will do anything for it.
[ Well it has finally come to this..
With republicans like Newt, Romney, Perry etc. The party is finished. Its hopelessly over. This election cycle is probably going to spell the end of the republic too.
Its about time for us to get a real third party going. One with real conservatives with real core conservative principles running it.
Huckabee is another in a long line of so called conservatives who has sold out to the establishment and probably will do anything for it. ]
Dissolution of the WHIG (republican party) followed by a Civil War (Civil War II).
Hopefully the New Republican party will do a better job than the WHIGS (RINOS).