So the adults at the school entrapped normal boys with a flaming homosexual harasser and refused to “tone down” the pervert’s behavior in respect of other male students even when they knew the flamer was being sexually aggressive.
Men should not have to tolerate being sexually harassed by mentally ill flaming perverts and their reaction of violence (verbal or physical) towards homosexual harassers is a normal response. Sexual harassment is sexual dominance.
Liberals want to train men to submit to homosexual dominance starting as boys. The adults turned that school into a jail with boy inmates to serve as sex objects for the pervert community. One boy was not playing the game of sex victim. It is the adults who sexually abused the boys who should be going to jail.
“Men should not have to tolerate being sexually harassed by mentally ill flaming perverts and their reaction of violence (verbal or physical) towards homosexual harassers is a normal response. Sexual harassment is sexual dominance.”
And women should not have to sexually harassed by other women.
And men should not have to be sexually harassed by women.
And women should have have to be sexually harassed by men.
However, sexual harassment should not result in homicide.
And when it does, the person who did the killing goes to prison for a very long time.