Obama to World: America is a disgusting place that doesn't care about its children and lets them flounder at school, unlike the enlightened people in better countries.
Americans are a bunch of lazy softies who go around toting guns and cling to idiotic religious beliefs. Half of them are racists who resent me just because of my skin color. These losers really make me sick.
America is a terrible place. You are lucky you don't live there. Americans pollute the planet with tons of carbon waste daily because of an unsustainable lifestyle that consumes more than their fair share of the world's resources.
I am so ashamed to be an American. That is why whenever I am abroad I bow to foreign kings and try to set the record straight about what a crappy country I am from.
Thank you.
This swine is as deep as a drunkard on the next barstool who won’t shut up!
I think he's right on this, at least from his experiences in Chicago and DC. Dad's not home and mom's figuring out the best way to exchange food stamps for brandy. They certainly don't care if the kid does anything other than watch TV and be quiet.