To: autumnraine
The greedy b*tch did it to herself. She was unrealisitic when it came time to negotiate with the affiliates to carry her show on her previous network and she thought she would make more with her own network.
To: almost done by half
“The greedy b*tch did it to herself. She was unrealisitic when it came time to negotiate with the affiliates to carry her show on her previous network and she thought she would make more with her own network.”
The free market is a wonderful thing. Let’s just hope we don’t reach the point where there is only one government television channel feeding us propaganda all day long.
35 posted on
11/20/2011 7:44:35 AM PST by
Soul of the South
(When times are tough the tough get going.)
To: almost done by half
I'm not certain greedy b*tch is fair. What she did is no more than what Jobs or The Donald or any person wanting to succeed would do. I don't care for OW, but I do recognize that she made a legitimate attempt to be more successful and relevant in liberal America.
55 posted on
11/20/2011 9:27:31 AM PST by
(I may not be much, but I raised a United States Marine) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson