After seeing him on Hannity last night, I am now positive that he will not get my vote in the Primary or Presidential election. I was thinking that maybe I would cast an anti-obama vote, however I will not pull the lever for Mitt. When you hit 3 specific reasons, then I can not hold my nose....
1. Still supports TARP. Said, “without it ALL banks would have collapsed and the entire economy would have collapsed!” Dummy speak extradonaire....
2. Still stands by the individual mandate for healthcare. Hey Mitt, what other products do you believe the state should force me to buy. As a Michigander I have to ask you Mitt, do you support legislatively forcing Ford employees to buy GM vehicles to save the government’s investment?
3. In the same breath he still claims to be a conservative. This shows that he has no clue about our Constitution. He mouths the words, but clearly is not interested in “serving,” instead he desires to hold the office.