No, I want to let you surrender monkeys know that we don't have to listen to the MSM and support the originator of Obama Care via Romney Care and that we don't support the fag agenda like Romney.
It is too bad that you don’t seem able to discuss things in a mature manner. My rules are that I let people know that if they wish to engage in civil discusion, then fine. However, if they don’t and wish to be nasty, then they will get as good as they give.
I am far from being a “surrender monkey”. I don’t listen to the MSM, nor is Romney my choice. But I know that Paul will not garner the nomination. Paul has some good ideas, but throws them down the drain when he heads for the cliff on the Left. His foreign policy, if you can call it that, would be disasterous. He thinks we should employ mercenaries, and privateers. There are other things that just won’t fly.
As for your assertion of the “fag agenda”, I would like to know what you think that is. BTW, good arguments are lost when resorting to using name calling, and derogeratory references. I disagree with the teaching of Gay studies in schools, especially pre-school and kindergarden. I don’t like when Gays push their agenda on businesses, etc. Is this what you are referring to?
I’m not up on all the abbreviations. I want to see if your closing comment “FUMR” means fk u mitt romney. If it was meant to offend. You lose.