A couple of my family members deal with depression, it's far from a trivial disease. It certainly isn't something that you "just need to get over". However, if you watch ads on the tube, you'd think that "Occasionally Feeling a Little Blah" equates to "Too depressed to get out of bed for a week".
One needs to be be treated, the other is just called life. Wiser people treat the former and deal with the latter, while unwise people escape into a pill bottle, irregardless.
And, I'll don my asbestos suit along with you.
They feel sad because they’re shown all this lavish luxury stuff and perfect families and are told they are awesome and deserve this.
They wonder why they don’t have it and get sad and depressed. Husband isn’t chiseled adonis, kids are screwed up, and both her and hubby (if lucky) have jobs. They are so much more susceptible to adverts and propaganda. Why do you think all the advertisers make ads geared to women?
Men don’t fall for the “you have to have this because you’re awesome and deserve it” emo crap. Not when the entire world keeps kicking our cans saying ‘it’s payback time guys, and you deserve it’.
I know a couple of young women in America, both of whom suffer from bipolar disorder, and it’s nothing to laugh at.
The last time I was back visiting a few years ago, I was flabbergasted at the ads for pills for almost every possible emotional, mental, or physical malady under the sun.
Look, everyone gets “the blues” from time to time. I myself get Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I treat with Vitamin D and a twice a week visit to a solarium during the winter months.
But so many people are letting themselves get medicated for issues that can be treated in other ways. If I get bored, I read a book. Or go to a movie. I take a long walk in the woods with my girlfriend. I wouldn’t take pills, however. Psychotropic drugs can cause a lot more harm than good.