I read Ann C.’s, (hereinafter called Ann-C), puff piece on Willy-Rom-Rom-RINO. Then I read it again, slowly, and did NOT find ANY statement of principles, core values, or inspirational ideas.
What I did find was an assumption of unshakeable trust in Slick Willy RINO: “ - - - No one is worried Romney will double-cross us on repealing Obamacare.”
HELLO, ANN-C! EVERYBODY that supports the US Constitution KNOWS that Slick Willy RINO will double-cross ANYTHING that gets in HIS way!
Ann-C has become her true self now as a chatty, clever, cocktail-crowd-pleaser, who just might turn into another Huffington-Poster-Girl.
BTW Ann-C, America is in a financial death spiral, so drop your chatty BS, or get out of the way, as we know this election cannot be between Obama and Obama-lite.