We don't want a guy who thinks the 2nd Amendment is a God given right.
We want a "conservative" who thinks the 2nd Amendment is a states rights issue, who thinks abortion shouldn't be part of the political discussion and one who voted for Bill Clinton. Yeah! He's so cool!
I wonder who his VO and advisers will be because that's who we will really be voting for.
By the way, Herman Cain did accuse Perry of leaking the sexual harassment which was common knowledge. Rick Perry did not leak them and neither did his staffer.
Go ahead and live in la la land where the world is out to get your perfect candidate. What a joke. Even Palin said the guy needs to come clean, oh wait, she's probably a Rino now on Free Republic.
Where you wrote “provably pro-choice”
you meant “provably pro-LIFE”.
Frankly, I worry about you. Let’s say Cain actually did vote for Onada and compare that with Perry.
l. Perry is an alleged exdemrat.
2. Perry supported Al Gore.
3. Perry supported Gore’s Global Warming scam.
4. Perry recently signed a “hate speech” law. Hate speech laws are used by demrats to silence their opposition.
5. Perry recenly said those of us who oppose tax payer funding for illegal alien kids’ education are “heartless”.
How Cain may have voted almost 20 years ago is of little interest to me. In any case, that allegation cannot be proven unless Cain himself says he did or his ballot can be resurrected. So, once again you Perry people frantically grab for any alleged—unproved and/or unprovable—bit of negative info to prop up your sinking-like-a-lead-balloon candidate.
It really is pathetic.