And in the mouth department Bachmann is better? I’m originally from Minnesota, and know people who work with her. She’s a good congressman. She should remain a good congressman for a while ... then maybe a senator. Besides which, Newt has come a long way in disciplining his mouth.
Unless there is a logjam at the end and, as a result, a brokered convention, a Cain/Gingrich or Gingrich/Cain ticket is about the best we are going to get now. Of supreme importance is to oust Obama and not replace him with diet Obama, i.e., Romney.
No, I’m sorry, the dream team will elude us this cycle. We will have to take less than perfect ... and at the same time start working on and with Jindal, Rubio, Ryan, and other such rising conservative stars for the next round. One election cycle is not going to fix the mess we are in.
That kind of defeatist thinking is how we always get stuck with entrenched RINOs/CINOs.