The victims never came forward by name for obvious reasons, but now, they will come forward to say it never happened? Everything about this operation is evil.
Big bags of money are being carried back and forth.
The brute Sandusky is laughing on national TV about his fun and games with boys.
Dear Lord, could you spare one giant lightning bolt,to hit the Sandusky house, while Jerry is in the shower?
(We are having thunderstorms here tonight.)
Didn’t a DA disappear that tried to stop him. So now they are going to make the childs name public for the crazies to attack. When you think it can’t get any does.
Unfortunately for Sandusky, there is a witness to it.
Maybe it’s an inapt comparison, but this reminds me of when the Hillary Clinton campaign was found to have taken dirty campaign contributions from phony donors. Their response was along the lines of “we returned all of that money”, and yet, they could not possibly have done so because those donors had phony names and addresses.
In this instance, the attorney is claiming that he has located the supposed victim, who claims that nothing happened. How exactly do you do that, without starting with a specific, named, known victim? Do you ask the perp for the name of the person who he “didn’t” sodomize in the shower, and then contact the victim and get him to agree that he was not a victim? Or do you contact all 10-year-olds who were in the program at the time, and ask them whether or not they were sodomized in the shower?
Something strange is going on there...
Stop tormenting these kids Sandusky!
Do not pass GO!
Proceed directly do jail!
this is why we shouldn’t allow predatory monsters out on bail...they start to look up their victims and make them offers.
I guess we now know why Sandusky and his wife tried to contact one of those other boys.
well well, what have we here?
I personally know that at the age of 25, you do not admit to being molested as a male by another male. It is the kiss of death to your ego, and your sexuality. To this day, I tell no one but family, and that because my siblings were also molested by the same person. Truth be known, nobody in my family would ever tell the tale outside of the family. They would most likely deny it ever happened. Put them on a stage, and they would dummy up.
I feel sorry for the kids in the case. What a burden they are being asked to carry. You KNOW their names will be leaked, and then, for the rest of their lives, they’ll be “that homo kid” or “that guy that got Sanduskied” or, even worse, subject to death threats. So Sandusky ruins their lives twice — once with memories of these awful episodes, and a second time by the media exploiting them. Horrible.
The kid might still be a teenager.
Real question is how much money changed hands.