I ran out of that place as fast as I could. Over the years, I wonder if some young, vulnerable, lonely, stupid 18-19 year old kid went in there, that this or some other professor molested.
That old professor pervert was coming onto you and you, fortunately sensed what he was doing and followed your instinct of flight. Imagine what it is like for a boy drilled in school that to reject or resist this kind of grooming behavior is “hate” or “bullying.” They get in big trouble if they are bully haters so they must surpress the natural reaction that you had and that rescued you from a homosexual predator.
That is what they are doing to boys now. Very sad. People don’t understand what it is all about.
Yes, and that is part of the sodomite agenda, now masking itself in “anti-bullying.”
It’s all about repressing the normal male behavior of fighting off sodomite overtures.
Even McQueary, 28 at the time, fell victim to this brainwashing, and failed to save a ten year old boy from anal rape.