Ideally children shouldn't be placed in prison-like schools. The problem I see is that I don't want boys labeled with the legally loaded labels of sexual predator or sexual harasser when they are merely being the immature, and still undomesticated, creatures that they are. In normal social situations ( unlike socially pathological schools) those who are doing the harassing are chastised and the victim is taught ways to prevent, deflect, and protect themselves from future incidents.
I think that in these school situations there is a political agenda. Boys are to be cut down at the knees, labeled, and crippled with the label of "sexual harasser" while the equally cruel alpha-girl gets to skate on by without and consequences.
Just like Nurse Ratchet in "One Flew Over the Cochoo's Nest", there are a lot of "Educator Ratchets" out there from pre-K to graduate school. They hate men ( especially white men) and especially enjoy having testicles of little boys on the menu.
As a woman who studied in a nearly all male environment I was certainly subject to sexual comments and unwanted advances. I **learned** how to manage these without running to the dean for every little socially snagged hang nail. If a man or woman is to succeed in the professional world it is best that they learn these big boy and big girl skills.
Yeah, try having been on e of the 10% in the military in 19080s and female. These dorks sergeants would walk up and say “Ma’am, I probably should nt say this........” and I would say “then don’t”. That shut a lot of them up
I agree. I'm not opining on what the legal situation should be, exactly, but on the stance to be taken toward the behavior, which is that it is not acceptable, whether in the school, the neighborhood, or the workplace.