Posted on 11/12/2011 12:33:36 AM PST by reformedcrat
You guys can't understand anyone who doesn't follow the "My candidate and my candidate ONLY!" philosophy, can you?
And it angers you that you can't bully people into seeing things your way.
So, you engage in conjecture, a little fiction and innuendo to work in some unfounded insults and to prop yourselves and your lame arguments up.
You all pretty much have the same MO, and to be honest, it's really quite boring.
I never even accused you of cult worship, but here you come out of the blue, yapping some kind of nonsense.
You know what they say about throwing a rock into a pack of dogs (or hyenas) and the one who yelps the loudest, right? ;-)
Johnnie, you post outraged things to me all the time, and I must have told you a thousand times that I don’t “have a candidate.” I’d actually like to hear the opinions of the contenders and find them believable and think that they might be effective candidates. And then when I commit, I’m only looking at such and such a candidate as a good possibility for political office - he’s not my personal Savior (I already have one) or even anybody I’d want to go to dinner with.
So far many have washed out, but I think it’s not over yet: some of the second tier may return, and who knows what will happen among the first tier. But it’s based on their programs and their ability to present them and the possibility of their enacting them that will decide it for me. The only one I wouldn’t vote for is Romney, because he has a solidly statist track record and there is nothing that would change that.
My point is that people like you and other Cain people are fanatically devoted to a personality and this is not a healthy thing.
Well put, livius.
They still won't get it, but it's always worth a shot. :)
I know. Several Freepers have written to me privately, btw, to say that they agree but that they don’t dare to post their opinion. This is not a good thing.
Cain supported Huckabee when it was down to Huckabee, Romney and McCain. Cain endorsed Romney after Huckabee dropped out. Who can blame him for not supporting McCain the traitor the terrorist supporter the liar the Global Warming/Cap&Trade champion the 1st Amendment destroyer?
You were saying?
And there you have the quintessential definition of a RINO.
What, because they don’t like to be subjected to vicious personal attacks from other supposed conservatives? HOw does that make them RINOs?
Maybe you should rethink your approach. And STOP calling other people RINOs just because you disagree with them.
I guess no surprise that you cannot actually make a case FOR your candidate,
Perhaps YOU should revisit why others take an aggressive posture toward you.
You see nothing wrong with the quote I posted?
That line right there tells me no serious communication with you is possible at this time. You desire objectivity? Good. So do I. How then is it objective for you to vilify a fellow FReeper and conservative by making horrendous accusations you cannot support from facts? When have I ever attempted to bully you or anybody? Am I really angry that you prefer another candidate? Yikes! That's news to me. This comes from your vast imaginative powers, but it does not come from any facts in the record.
However, unlike you, I will not presume to know your inner workings because you have not revealed them to me. I dont know what makes you tick, or what drives your assumptions about others. You are only pixels on a screen to me. If we could meet in person over hot chocolate and a good doughnut, I am sure your tone would be less belligerent. I will hold to that optimistic thought.
As you are to me.
However, unlike you, I will not presume to know your inner workings because you have not revealed them to me. I dont know what makes you tick, or what drives your assumptions about others. You are only pixels on a screen to me. If we could meet in person over hot chocolate and a good doughnut, I am sure your tone would be less belligerent.
And perhaps yours would be less condescending.
I have had the pleasure of meeting many FReepers in person and not one of those occasions has been anything less than a good experience. In fact, some Of those have developed into strong friendships that I cherish.
If you follow the thread, you'll see that a tapper came out and made inaccurate accusations but failed to back them up when challenged to do so,
This is a person who has demonstrated a mean streak before and as I have never allowed her to get away with her games, she dislikes me. Instead of apologizing and admitting she was wrong, she tried to cover herself by making lame insults. I just laugh at her; it's entertainment to me.
You jumped into this out of the blue. I had not even communicated with you, so this may be a misunderstanding.
I will chalk this up to such for the sake of civility, unless you have different intentions.
Peace back atcha. :-)
The above was typed on a phone, so please forgive the errors. I’m not particularly good at this, but am out and about, so it’s the only way.
1) LIE.
Affirmative action is negative step
He supported the concept of TARP, but disagreed with what it turned into.
There were NO good choices in 2008. NONE.
He left Godfather’s in 1996. Its current state is not pertinent.
I get similar private e-mails and you're right; it's not a good thing.
It's what the groupthinkers want. They want to bully people who don't agree with them into silence and those of us who have no fear of them frustrate them to no end.
They always seem somewhat shocked when they yip out their little attacks and find that some of us won't back down.
MNJohnnie is one I used to like and respect, but lately, he comes off as vicious and angry. At least he had the decency to slink away when he was unable to back up his false accusations.
Not noble as an admission of error would have been, but certainly better than that airhead who made her silly and unfounded accusations. When she found out she was wrong, rather than admit it, she started screeching that I'd had my posts scrubbed and other such nonsense, only making herself look worse. I got a good laugh off of that and was tempted to ping Jim Robinson and the Mods so that maybe they could restore my "scrubbed posts" for the dingbat. Pretty desperate excuse, IMO. LOL
The only rule I've seen here specifically pertaining to the primaries is that there will be no campaigning for Mitt Romney.
So, I hope that those who feel uncomfortable about standing up to the little hit squad around here will reconsider.
Courtesy ping to MNJohnnie for mention.
I recognize that there are some Republicans who don’t agree that we have financial problems.
You are one of them.
I understand this.
I think we need to make serious cuts.
You don’t, I get it.
It’s a difference of opinion.
There are a lot of Republicans who don’t understand that we have serious problems. You’re one of them. I get that.
There no reason to throw insults around. You can vote for higher deficits and higher taxes if you want.
I’d like a President who will make serious cuts.
We haven’t had one of those in my lifetime.
I would like one, sometime.
Please stop destroying the United States, thank you.
We need cuts everywhere. I’m not sure that all the military bases all over the world defend us, or make us safe. They just raise our taxes or create deficits that eventually we will have to pay.
Right, the establishment will blast a tea party candidate.
But we just have to be prepared. The tea party candidate should be squeaky clean, for one thing. That could help, make it a little harder for msm.
You cannot persuade by using the fallacy of the false choice.
Only a Democrat would say you have a choice to cut the military or nothing.
You are exposed as an ANTI-SEMITE *AND* A DEMOCRAT MOLE!
If you go back a few months, you will see I had a plan to cut $400 billion from current year and $800 billion in 2013 without touching the military or even Social Security in the near term. (But I have a plan that would cut SS significantly within a few years without affecting anyone ABLE to work.)
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